A Camping We Will Go…

Catalyst Culture Camp

Aivy Nguyen at Catalyst Culture Camp
Last year’s experience as a camp counselor for Catalyst Culture Camp was such a wonderful one, so I’m returning as a veteran counselor for not just one camp, but both! This weekend, I will be working my first year with the St. Olaf camp in Minnesota. The kids and parents from last year’s east coast camp in New Jersey left such great memories and stories to remember. Three days of meeting families, cultural craft making and bonding made me appreciate what Catalyst does for the adoptees here, and it only motivates and inspires me more with ATG to provide for those in need overseas.  I eagerly wait to meet more inspiring families at St. Olaf!
— Aivy Nguyen, Dir of Marketing/PR

Colorado Vietnamese Heritage Camp

Jared Rehberg at Colorado Vietnamese Heritage Camp
I always look forward to Colorado Vietnamese Heritage Camp during the summer time. This special weekend in Colorado is filled with new music for all the campers, presenting life stories with my adult adoptees friends to the adoptive parents and last and certainly not least, bonding with the young generation of adoptees.
This year I will also be screening the film Operation Babylift: The Lost Children of Vietnam. DVDs will be available at the screening. I love catching up with the campers I’ve met since my first camp over 6 years ago. We have drinks and share our joys and sorrows from the years past. I’m especially excited to bring new adult adoptees to share their stories at our adult workshops. It’s quite a trip for many, but well worth it in the end.
— Jared Rehberg, Dir of Community Outreach
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