We are so excited to have the fabulous Tiffany Hendra join us this year as a guest emcee at our 7th Annual Fashion for a Passion on November 7! From the trailer park to Beverly Hills and now back to Texas, Tiffany Hendra teaches women from all walks of life how to style their life. She is a Wife, TV Host, Beauty & Style Expert, Lifestyle Mentor and creator of the blog & webseries Sanctuary Of Style. Tiffany is on a mission to guide women toward living their most fabulous, healthy and spiritually-conscious life. Her vision is for women all over the world to overcome their past circumstances and stand confident in their power. Tiffany believes confident women are World Changers!
Full name:
Tiffany Hendra
Houston, TX
Current City:
Dallas TX
Japanese/Czech/Cherokee (my dad is half-Japanese)
What does it mean to you to “Go Against The Grain?”
“Going Against The Grain” to me is being courageous enough to fly solo like an eagle instead of staying on the ground pecking around with the chickens. It means taking a stand and using your voice even when others would rather you sit and be quiet. It’s blazing your own trail and marching to the beat of your own drum which is what my entire journey has been like.
What made you decide to pursue a career in this industry?
From as young as I can remember, I’ve been drawn to anything creative like painting, acting, designing & fashion. I went to college on an art scholarship then quickly realized traditional education in a classroom wasn’t for me. At 18 I was given the opportunity to leave my small town outside Houston to model internationally. Traveling the world has been my university.
What have been some of the challenges you faced/lessons you learned as an Asian American in this field?
In modeling and acting, you are sized up by your appearance so that’s a challenge in itself. Add the fact that you’re of mixed ethnicity and the judgement hits you a bit deeper. At 16, I had my first go-see with a Japanese modeling agent who was in the US scouting. They ripped me apart saying my hair was too light, my thighs were too muscular, my skin was too olive and I was overall too fat. Then, throughout my entire 16 years in LA I was never “Asian” enough for certain roles. Luckily, the term “ethnically ambiguous” hit the industry and my look was actually embraced because I can portray several different ethnicities. As I’ve grown as a woman, I’m comfortable in my skin and so proud of my heritage regardless of what agents and clients say, but when you are young it’s a great challenge to appreciate your uniqueness.
What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment, and why?
My marriage of 11 years. In a world, especially Hollywood, where the divorce rate is astronomical I’m so proud of my husband and I for doing the hard work together and putting our marriage as a priority. In my 20’s, I really never thought I would get married and feel safe with a man. My husband is my knight.
What’s up next?
There are BIG projects on the horizon that I can’t actually reveal just yet, but what I’m having a blast with so far in 2015 is private coaching and offering TV hosting/media workshops in DFW. I learned so much in LA over the past 16 years and love sharing my experience and insight. Teaching and serving others is so rewarding!
Quote to live by:
I’m a quote fanatic so there’s many I live by, but if I had to choose just one: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.” – Henry D. Thoreau
Sign (Eastern Animal Sign & Western Zodiac):
Pig / Leo
Passionate about:
Igniting change in women to live their best & most fabulous lives and overcome past circumstances.
Favorite food:
Chips & Salsa. The spicier the better!
Can’t live without:
My quiet time in the morning of prayer & meditation with a big cup of coffee.
I Go Against The Grain #beCAUSE:
I march to the beat of my own drum and go crazy if things get stagnant. I thrive in constant change & growth.