Julianne Nguyen is a graduate of the Baylor Law School in Waco, TX. She graduated from Southern Methodist University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. While at SMU, she was active in Asian Council, EASA, VSA and AALEC. She also helped to establish ASCEND, a student business organization on campus. At Baylor, she is involved in Diversity in Law and Asian Law Student Association. She is currently a practicing attorney in Dallas. Julianne previously served as ATG’s Secretary but has made contributions to the organization as Director of Community Outreach, overseeing ATG’s scholarship application and review process for the past several years.
What does going Against The Grain mean to you? “To go outside the box, to go against stereotypes and expectations, to be fearless.”
Quote to live by: “I never regret anything. Because every little detail of your life is what made you into who you are in the end.”
Sign: Pisces/Dragon
Passionate about: Family & friends
Favorite food: All types of Asian food, from pho to sushi to bibimbap and Italian
Can’t live without: My cellphone
Color Personality: Solid Gold